40+ Funny Images That People Over The Age Of 40 Could Relate To

Published on 02/17/2022

Drinking Isn’t The Same Anymore

If you began drinking at the age of 21, you most likely recall how you felt the next morning. Sure, we all get hungover now and then, but the long-term effects of drinking aren’t so bad. Isn’t it true that by the end of the day, we’re completely recovered?

Drinking Isn’t The Same Anymore

Drinking Isn’t The Same Anymore

We have some potentially bad news for you: a hangover at 40 will make you feel not only bad, but also like you need medical help! No, we’re not making stuff up. That’s just how things work in real life!


Not Gonna Show Up In Memes

Nowadays, children use the internet to share every detail of their lives. Due to the massive influx of posts, we can no longer control what people say about us. One thing is certain: if you have a few too many beers and embarrass yourself in public, it will be documented.

Not Gonna Show Up In Memes

Not Gonna Show Up In Memes

People in their forties are no longer afraid to make embarrassing social media posts. Do you want to know why? Back then, we didn’t have access to the internet, Facebook, or Instagram! Nobody was going to write about us being as stupid as we wanted to be!