One Couple, Six Pregnancies, Quintuplets, Triplets And Two Sets Of Twins Later

Published on 07/27/2020

Pregnancy Number Four

Number four and the couple were expecting quadruplets, something that they were ecstatic about and weren’t in too much shock about. You see multiples runs in Karen’s side of the family. Karen explained, “So on my mother’s side there are four sets of twins. On my father’s side, I have an uncle, a great uncle, that has two sets of triplets.” Karen’s mother, unfortunately, miscarried triplets before falling pregnant with her. After a routine check-up on their quadruplets, Karen and Deon were recalled…

Pregnancy Number Four


New Discovery

It turns out that their doctor had missed something in the scan. On a hunch, they re-did the ultrasound and to everyone’s surprise, there were 5 babies in her stomach. One baby was hiding behind Karen’s breast bone. Doctors were worried that there was not enough space for all the babies’ and Karen was observed throughout her pregnancy. At 22 weeks Karen had to move to Arizona, so that she could be cared for and supervised by a specialist.

New Discovery