Dream A Little Dream (1989)
This movie tells the story of an older couple who wound up in the bodies of a pair of high school kids. It made an incredible $2,500,000 in its opening week. Sadly, it was simply Rotten and failed to live up to its opening weekend success, and its profits then went down significantly afterward. Richard Harrington of the Washington Post said that people will leave the theaters thinking ‘what the heck they just saw.’

Dream A Little Dream (1989)
Homecoming (2009)
This movie redefines ‘crazy ex-girlfriend.’ Essentially, it is about a guy who goes back to his hometown with his new girlfriend. His ex was not happy about it, of course. Critics thought it was very efficient but ultimately not ‘thrilling enough or cheesy enough to make it worth the trip.’ They also said that they were disappointed that ‘everything, including the ending, plays out exactly as you’d expect.’ Oops.

Homecoming (2009)