Dog Stares At Something Outside The Window Every Day, The Reason Will Leave You Without Words

Published on 11/07/2019

A Story That Would Make You Believe

If you are one of those people that don’t believe animals can actually fall in love, we’re pretty sure this story has made you think twice, especially if you yourself have a furry friend. Even if your friends do not really believe you, make sure to share this story with animal lovers. Everyone could use a bit more love in their lives, especially with what’s happening in the world right now. We really need a love story which has more underneath the surface.

A Story That Would Make You Believe



A man came to Rocket Dog Rescue in San Francisco to look for a dog to adopt and he fell in love with Merrill, a three-year-old pit bull. Not long after, it was time for him to pick the dog up, but the shelter had an unexpected obstacle: Merrill would not leave her best friend – an eight-year-old Chihuahua named Taco.

