Jada Pinkett Smith Reveals Her Son Told Her Something No Mother Wants To Hear

Published on 03/12/2020

Another Surprising Confession

As it turns out, there are other surprising confessions made on Red Table Talk aside from Jaden’s request to leave home. In 2018, for example, Jada let viewers into a really personal secret. The intimate admission actually left some of the fans in disbelief.

Another Surprising Confession

Another Surprising Confession


Crowning Glory

When it comes to hair, Jada Pinkett Smith is a chameleon. Along the years, she has sported everything from voluminous curls to long braids and cropped pixie cuts to finger-wave bobs. However, in 2018, her fans began to notice something: the star was starting to conceal her locks with turbans. When the Matrix trilogy actress realized that this was becoming a topic of fevered discussion, she decided to reveal the heartrending reason she now covers up her ever-changing hair.

Crowning Glory

Crowning Glory