This Baby Was Raised On A Strict Diet, The Result Is Incredibly Amazing And Attracted A Lot Of Attention From Other Moms

Published on 06/17/2021

She Ignored This Advice

Within a year or two of the baby’s birth, parents may switch from breast milk to formula. If Cooper wanted to try his hand at making his own Paleo formula, there are plenty of DIY Paleo formula recipes available online. But there’s one thing Cooper didn’t do, and it’s a great idea she didn’t: celebrity Paleo chef Pete Evans created a formula that, according to one nutritionist, could cause “permanent damage and possibly result in death.” This was due to the fact that the recipe embedded a level of nutrients that babies are unable to digest. Cooper, thankfully, didn’t use the recipe, but she did stick to her Paleo ideals in other areas.

She Ignored This Advice


No Baby Food

Parents usually opt for jars of baby food after their babies have been weaned off breastmilk and have begun to venture into soft solid foods. Shannon Cooper, however, is not one of them. Instead, the new mother resolved to prepare her baby’s food herself, following the Paleo diet. For the most part, baby food is safe for most people, but it still contains sugar and preservatives, which Cooper wanted to avoid giving to her daughter. Cooper knew that preparing her daughter’s meals would provide her with the essential nutrients she required. But, as Grace grew older, how did she react to the diet?

No Baby Food