Short Backsplashes
If you’re going to have kitchen backsplashes, don’t make the rookie error of just making half of them. After all, the whole point of backsplashes is to shield the walls, so why cover just half of them? It does not be right away (depending on what you cook), but those walls may inevitably foul-up. Cutting corners is always a good idea, and this is particularly true in this situation.
Kitchen Desks
Is there someone who genuinely likes to work in the kitchen? Isn’t it true that there are far fewer people who need to serve in the kitchen? It’s such an odd idea that you have to ask how it became popular in the first place. Sure, everything made sense back when phone books, calendars, and physical phones were all the rage, but now it’s all a waste of energy. Also, someone with a kitchen desk can inform you that it’s used 99 percent of the time to collect spam mail, phone bills, and unread magazines.