Can We Get A Round Of Applause For These Amazing Acts Of Vandalism?

Published on 09/27/2020

Size Does Not Matter

This one is subtler than the other entries on the list. You will have to squint to see the act of vandalism. It shows us that size does not matter! How unique is that? We have to say that we have never seen anything like it before. We also love the fact that it shows Ant-Man and Yellowjacket in a fight. Comic book fans would love to see this.

Size Does Not Matter

Size Does Not Matter


Looking For Waldo

For the longest time, Waldo has always made us look left and right to figure out where he is. We do not know what to tell you if you have no idea what we are talking about. The pole does resemble the guy in question, but we are looking for a person and not a pole. If you have any ideas where he might be hiding, we would love to know.

Looking For Waldo

Looking For Waldo