Can We Get A Round Of Applause For These Amazing Acts Of Vandalism?

Published on 09/27/2020

Use The Rosswalk

Someone saw this sign and decided to turn it into an Easter egg for fans of Friends. Say what you want about Ross, but we can’t help but smile at this! All it took to make this happen was to cover up the “C” and cover the head with the actor’s face. In our opinion, it is good to make these signs more interesting. After all, this is a good way to ensure that people will pay attention to them.

Use The Rosswalk

Use The Rosswalk


Time For A Reboot

If you ever stumble upon this sign, you should probably click it without any hesitation. After all, the world is a mess right now. We really could do with a fresh start. Still, we will forgive you if you feel the need to think it over first. After all, with great power comes great responsibility.

Time For A Reboot

Time For A Reboot