iPaid Too Much For The iPad
We are never going to hear the end of the Apple and Android argument. Some people get passionate when it comes to defending their side. Just take a look at this photo of a vandalized bus stop. Seeing the iPad ad made their blood boil, so they decided to let everyone know how they felt about the device. Even though the tablets can come in handy, some people do not think that it is worth all that money.

IPaid Too Much For The IPad
A Heavy Burden To Carry
How cool is this act of vandalism? We have to say that we have gotten used to the normal ‘Do Not Enter’ sign. They are often added to a certain spot for a specific reason, but the logo has gotten quite boring. Thank goodness for the person who decided to vandalize this one. We have to admit that it is a lot more effective at grabbing our attention. After all, we will likely take another look at it when we pass it by.

A Heavy Burden To Carry