Can We Get A Round Of Applause For These Amazing Acts Of Vandalism?

Published on 09/27/2020

You Are On Your Own

Do you have to print an important document? Well, too bad. The people at this printing center can’t do anything about that. Have a photo of Jay Z instead! We have no doubt that we would have been pissed if we had to print something, but we don’t. This is the only reason that we get to laugh about it. We wonder how many folks were frustrated to see this sign when they needed help with their documents!

You Are On Your Own

You Are On Your Own


No Need To Rub It In

Sadly, most people can’t afford to buy the car of their dreams. We will just have to make do with something that fits our budget. We would not call this car ugly, but it is not the most attractive one that we have ever seen either. The truth is that we feel a little bad for the owner. They must already know that this was the case. Was there any really any need to rub it in their face? Yeah, we didn’t think so.

No Need To Rub It In

No Need To Rub It In