Take A Look At These Woodstock Photos That Managed To Capture What The Event Was Really About

Published on 11/25/2020

Decked Out

While Woodstock has mostly been correlated with colorful clothing, almost all, like this young girl who went for the all-black, mega-cool look, opted for different styles. The beauty of this music event was that aligned only by a shared love of peace and music; it was a location for all to be themselves.

Decked Out


Missing out on Concerts Doesn’t Mean Missing Out on Music

The special speaker columns constructed would also have worked fine for the originally intended number of individuals, 200,000 at the very most, according to Bill Hanley, the guy behind the sound systems for the music event. But it was bound to happen, since 500,000 people ended up attending the concerts, that not everyone would get to listen to their favorite artists. No menace, though! The pleasant environment implied that music was basically playing, and there was something for everyone to hear. People like this guy took it upon themselves, even in places like the parking lot, to deliver a great performance!