Take A Look At This Shocking Face Reveal Of Famous Legendary Wrestlers

Published on 12/07/2020

Mil Muertes

Either Mil Muertes or the Big Boss is dubbed the Lucha Underground villain. He kept onto the title of Champion for 217 days. This is the second-longest run in history indeed! The name of the guy who brought this baddie to life is Ricky Banderas. In the past, he was also called El Mesias.

Mil Muertes

Mil Muertes


It is now time for us to learn about the industry’s best wrestlers! We all have our favorites, so it was difficult to make a decision. We will talk about their stage appearance, skills, and finishing steps, among other items. Do you think you’re going to get your favorite wrestler here?

Big Show

In the ’90s, as a rival of Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan, the Big Show was finally introduced. It’s difficult to believe it, but people used to underestimate his talent. Why would they do that on earth? At any rate, his size attracted a lot of fans. Some wrestlers, for this very reason, hated him.

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Big Show