Take A Look At This Shocking Face Reveal Of Famous Legendary Wrestlers

Published on 12/07/2020


Glacier became active in the wrestling ring during the 1990s. He gained quite a reputation for his great strength and his “cold heart.” During his time, no one knew who he was. He did not show his face to anyone. However, his face was revealed when he retired. It was the only time he showed his face! Isn’t that the neatest thing ever?




Juventud Guerrera

And with the addition of Juventud Guerrera to the WCW did the Cruiserweight division get stronger and stronger. To call this luchador, exciting may be an understatement. Let’s just say he was undoubtedly one of those pro wrestlers who knew how to deliver to the audience what they demanded and could play a fantastic performance!

Juventud Guerrera

Juventud Guerrera