9 Popular Diets Among Celebrities

Published on 01/12/2015

Staying fit and in good shape is important for most celebrities. Many of them put in a lot of effort finding the right weight loss program as well as hiring a personal fitness trainer to keep them looking their best. There seems to be an endless amount of diet plans that the rich and famous have tried through the years. Some of the more popular have included the Zone Diet, the South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, the Macrobiotic Diet, the Raw Food Diet, the Maple Syrup Diet, the Paleo Diet, the Dukan Diet, and the Mediterranean Diet. The following discusses each of these 9 popular diets, what types of food are included in each diet, and some of the celebrities who have taken part in these weight loss plans.

The Zone Diet

This diet, created by Barry Sears and followed by celebrity Jennifer Aniston, is about keeping hormones and blood sugar stable by balancing fat, protein, and the carbs in your diet. This particular weight loss plan is designed to help a person lose fat, and not just muscle and water like so many other diets. On this program you generally get 3 meals each day and snacks. While no food is completely banned, carbs are eaten in very small amounts and most selections will include lean protein, veggies, and fruits. Calorie counts average about 1,200 each day for women and 1,500 for men. The most effective weight loss can be achieved when staying in the “zone” and eating proportionate amounts of each type of food. If you’re one of the CrossFitters who uses this diet, find a personal trainer who can best create a fitness routine around your eating schedule. Jennifer Aniston is one of several celebrities who has famously followed the Zone Diet. Some would even say she’s been the poster-girl for this diet.

The Zone Diet - Jennifer Aniston

The Zone Diet – Jennifer Aniston

The South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet, which was put together by a cardiologist, is a weight loss program that consists of three distinct phases. Phase one lasts 14 days and promotes quick weight loss. Phase one is the strictest and basically prohibits any carbohydrates. In phase two you reach your weight goal, and then phase three is designed for maintenance. This plan emphasizes reducing carbs while loading up on foods high in fiber and nutrients. It also teaches its users how to pick good carbs verses bad carbs so they can make healthy lifestyle choices long after the early phases of the diet have ended. Foods consist of lean protein, lots of veggies, and low fat dairy products. This weight loss plan is good for those who can’t live without dessert. Desserts and snacks are allowed on this diet. There’s not any calorie counting, but there may be a considerable amount of time spent prepping for the meals. Bill Clinton even lost weight when following the South Beach Diet. The diet has been touted as one that has cardiovascular benefits and may help lower cholesterol which may be why Bill and Hillary have reportedly followed it.

south beach diet

south beach diet