It’s estimated that at least 70 million Americans struggle with some sort of sleep difficulty. According to The Better Sleep Council nearly half of all Americans say they don’t get enough sleep. There are a variety of problems people can suffer from including having difficulty falling asleep to waking up repeatedly throughout the night. The following are 10 ways to help you get a good night’s sleep.
Seek Professional Assistance
If you have tried every other option and still aren’t getting enough sleep, it may be time to seek medical intervention. A doctor may prescribe prescription strength sleep medication. A few of the more well-known sleep aids include Ambien, Lunesta, and Restoril. Each of these medicines can help you fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Sometimes other types of professional help are needed when it comes to understanding problems with sleep. The science of neurology and sleep disorders has become an extensive field of study. Some individuals may benefit from professional sleep disorder treatment. Conditions such as sleep apnea may be keeping you from sleeping properly. Health insurance may even help pay for you to be diagnosed at a sleep lab.

Seek Professional Assistance
Stick to a Schedule
Sometimes a sleep problem can be eliminated simply by getting on a regular sleep schedule and sticking to it. Being consistent will help your body’s wake-sleep cycle stay in tune. Maintaining a schedule doesn’t just mean Monday through Friday either. To improve your sleep you have to stick to a routine seven days a week. It’s recommended that most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Adults over the age of 65 may need slightly less. If you tend to be a morning person you will want to get into the habit of going to bed each evening as early as nine. If you are more of a night owl going to bed much later may work for you. Ultimately how much sleep each person needs and what time of the night he or she should get it will be based on individual needs. If you are sleepy during the day or sleeping extra on weekends, you probably need more sleep each night.

Stick to a Schedule