Staggering Ways Coconut Oil Can IMPROVE Your Life

Published on 08/22/2016

Can reduce seizures

Continuing down the path of chemical make up will lead us to discuss how the fatty acids in coconut oil can help fight and reduce the possibility of seizure. Fatty acids inside of coconut oil are turned into something called ketones upon being ingested. These are used to treat different disorders in therapy. Being that coconut oil is quickly digested and sent to the liver it makes for a perfect diet amendment for those prone to suffering from seizures. Coconut oil, thanks to the ketone bodies therein, has been linked in studies that show dramatic reduction in seizures for children that suffer from epilepsy. Coconut oil is a great supplement for epileptic people and it could be the difference between life and death if a bad seizure were ever to crop up.

Fatty acids in Coconut Oil can reduce seizures

Fatty acids in Coconut Oil can reduce seizures


Lowers your risk of heart disease

Coconut oil is full of saturated fats but we are going to dive in with just why that isn’t a problem. In fact, coconut oil can be an added part to your diet and it will actually help you fight AGAINST heart disease. Scientists originally thought that saturated fats attacked our blood lipid profile but that isn’t exactly the case. In fact, saturated fats can raise your HDL (good cholesterol) while simultaneously attacking your LDL (bad cholesterol). Coconut oil has been proven to reduce LDL and increase HDL while helping people reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies with rats have shown that even blood coagulation factors have been improved as well as their total antioxidant uptake, which fights against free radicals that attack the body.

Coconut Oil lowers your risk of heart disease

Coconut Oil lowers your risk of heart disease