In his December 2015 GQ interview, Burt Reynolds was asked about his feelings toward Donald Trump – as he had written about him in his book. Reynolds said “I like him. He’s a good guy. I just don’t know how he’d deal with Russia and other countries. To be successful in business you have to be ruthless. But when you are running a country and dealing with other countries, ruthlessness doesn’t work all the time.”
Baldy Waldy
Get this, Burt Reynolds has admitted that he wore toupees during his career! When asked by GQ in 2015 if he wore a “stunt toupee” for the film Deliverance, he replied, “That was all me! That was my real hair. It wasn’t much. But it was me. You know, if I had it to do over again, I would do it natural. Not wear a toupee.”