We all know how damaging snoring can be in a relationship. Snoring hurts not only the person snoring, but the people that have to listen to it. Bad snoring can disrupt sleep patterns, culture resentment between partners, and start to deteriorate the health of the snoring individual. While many places promise to sell you anti snoring devices, or some home cooked snoring remedies, there really is no one stop shop to cure the snoring problems that plague you. So in an effort to help shed some transparency on snoring, we decided to put together a guide full of eight great exercises that can help alleviate your snoring problems and eventually, hopefully, cure them for you.
Strengthen your tongue!
Most people don’t realize it, but your tongue is actually one of the key components as to why you snore so much. The reason that your tongue can be a problem for your snoring is that, during sleep, it can fall backwards and block the path of air coming from your throat. This obviously leads to breathing issues, the root of snoring problems, and thus exacerbating the entire problem. So if you make your tongue stronger you can go help to ease your issues. To try and prevent snoring, attempt to do these simple exercises with your tongue. Extend your tongue as far out from your mouth as possible and then move it side to side and up and down without letting it curl. Repeat the process for ten to fifteen seconds and do the process over again as many times as you want every day. Doing these exercises may seem silly at first, but you should start to notice when it is working – and your partner certainly will!

Strengthen your tongue
Do chin presses!
As snoring is a symptom of your breathing not functioning, it makes sense that your throat should be included when you attempt to fix your issues. Snoring is super common for people who are overweight, old, or have problems with their respiratory system. The aforementioned demographics tend to have weakened throat muscles, so you want to address that fact by strengthening them with chin presses. Place one finger on your chin and gently press it down and back so you can tuck it. You’ll feel the muscles tense in your neck as you tuck your chin in. Once you are tucked you should hold the position for about ten to fifteen seconds. Repeat this exercise several times as you lay in bed before going to sleep. Repeat this on a nightly basis and trust in the process, you should soon start to see some results!

Do chin presses