Learn to play the didgeridoo!
So this suggested exercise is probably the most ‘out there’ suggestion that we have to offer you, but it works. A research team in Switzerland did an examination of 25 different patients who struggled with snoring. They gave half of the group daily lessons on playing the digeridoo and were stunned when it turned out that the ones who studied the Australian instrument were found to be snoring less and sleeping better. Didgeridoos are not just your typical musical instrument. They are long pipes that you blow into, in order to create a long and low bassy tone. They are a little bit hard to practice in tight living so you would probably be best served using these if you have the time during the day, as doing this at night will get the police called on you. Being that this is a wind driven instrument you will quickly start to find that your throat becomes more powerful and the breathing techniques that you learn will also help the snoring stop. So if you want to opt for the more bizarre snoring treatment, then this may be the route that you should take. We guarantee that you probably haven’t tried this one yet.

Learn to play the didgeridoo
Lower jaw extensions!
Many anti snoring exercises will lead you to treat your jaw, as well as the rest of your breathing modules. So we felt like including one of our favorite jaw exercises. This one is pretty simple. All you need to do is move your jaw up and down as if you are chewing food. Don’t actually let your teeth click together, as that isn’t good for them, but go through the motion. Do this exercise several times a day with an empty mouth and make sure to focus on going through the motions as you do it. The second jaw exercise we want to suggest involves the usage of both your hands. For this one you want to gently apply pressure to the lower jaw while your mouth is completely open. Apply pressure here continually for around ten seconds at a time, even if it is a little bit painful. Repeat this process as many times as you can throughout the entire day.

Lower jaw extensions