Fast Food Staff Members Say: Avoid These 14 Menu Items!

Published on 09/25/2016

When you watch a film like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings you need a certain suspension of disbelief in order to enjoy the show and that is completely fine and natural. The same concept holds true when you order something from a fast food establishment. You know that somewhere in between the mounds of grease, mystery ingredients, and caloric bombshells you are going to pay for what you’ve done. If you want to avoid gastric bypass surgery in the future then skip eating at these palces altogether. But if you have to eat there then you should know a few facts.Staff members more than anyone realize the lurking ‘ugh’ in every menu item and they’ve come together to tell you: avoid these 14 menu items!

Movie Theater Popcorn

Movie theater popcorn is a sin that is priced as a luxury item. The fluffy kernels, when freshly popped, melt in your mouth along with the cup of butter you just had to toss on top. While a ‘small’ bag of this popcorn will likely cost you an arm and a leg, as well as the functional usage of your arteries, if you order it later in the day then you’ll be fine. What you shouldn’t do, we’ve been told, is be the first one’s in the theater to order popcorn. The first showing just re-uses last nights popcorn which just happened to be stored in garbage bags overnight. Nasty. For those concerned about their health, let’s just put it this way: no weight loss diet or weight loss plan ever included popcorn. We aren’t sure how many people actually go to the ‘first showing’ of the day, but if you are a morning movie person then you’ve been warned.

Movie Theater Popcorn

Movie Theater Popcorn


Convenience Store Slurpees

“Big Gulps huh? Well, alright!” should be the closest you get to actually smiling when referencing a gas station Slurpee. Though these sugar bombs taste like heaven they are, in fact, hiding a secret hell. If you thought that the McDonald’s McCafe machine secret was terrifying, just imagine that problem compounded by a factor of 10. Gas station Slurpees are notorious for coming out of machines that would make even Eli Roth sick to his stomach. Any liquid that goes through the machine has to make its way through pathways of nothing but moldy metal. You’ve been warned but we know you’ll still hit up your 7/11 anyway. We guess it can’t be helped.

Convenience Store Slurpees

Convenience Store Slurpees