Try out a tooth whitening kit.
If you don’t want to get your insurance involved in a cosmetic dental procedure but you still want whiter teeth then you should consider any of the possible whitening products available. From strips to rinses and everything in between there are options available. Teeth whitening kits can work with results that vary from one person to another. Your teeth will improve in terms of their shade of yellow but you probably won’t see as dramatic results as the commercials and advertisements would leave you to anticipating. You should also be aware of potential sensitivity resulting from the different products, so using them less is the best course of action here.
Keep to a complete oral health routine.
We know that brushing our teeth is important but that isn’t even the beginning of it. In order to prevent having yellow teeth follow you around as you grow older you need to commit to brushing your teeth twice daily while incorporating both flossing and a mouthwash into your regiment. The flossing and mouthwash help to prevent build up that leads to bacteria and eventually tooth decay. You’ll also use the teeth whitening toothpaste we mentioned above in order to help treat those stubborn stains. Having a routine that you don’t get away from will lead to long term oral health and hygiene and it is the foundation from which you should build your smile.