10 Stunning Facts about the Brand New Google Car

Published on 06/16/2016

Only 2 riders at a time!

One of the biggest complaints about the Google Car is the fact that it will only allow 2 riders in at a time. The reason for this rider limitation is that Google wants to keep the car compact and size compliant due to its technology. So riders will be fairly limited in the early going. The interior of the car only has one bench seat like in the back of a regular vehicle. The seats are comfortable and spacey and there is plenty of leg room for you to put your possessions down. Speaking of possessions: the Google Car also reminds you to grab your stuff when you are leaving the vehicle. The car doesn’t want you to lose anything when the next rider gets in.

Only 2 riders at a time

The Google Car tops out at 25 MPH.

Probably the most limiting factor of the new Google Car is the fact that it will only be able to top out at 25 MPH. What is the usage of a vehicle that can only go 25MPH? Well, there are plenty of reasons. Probably the speed limit at first has to do with safety, but there are other elements at play. Testing the vehicle out at a lower speed will result in a longer travel time, but a more luxurious ride. The hope is that cities will begin planning roads specifically for the self driving cars. These roads would then become the role model of roads everywhere else, as they’ll be safer and more organized. Once cities began to account for self driving vehicles we bet that the top out speed will be adjusted quite a bit. But in the interim you will have to understand that certain roads will be off limits, at least for awhile. So no highway driving for your Google Car – not yet.

The Google Car tops out at 25 MPH