25+ Facts That Will Turn You Into An Andy Griffith Show Expert

Published on 06/16/2019

Andy Loved Practical Jokes

As the boss of the Griffith Show, Andy Griffith set a festive, easy-going tone. He loved to stage practical jokes, especially when they targeted Don Knotts. In fact, Andy teased Don daily just by calling him “Jess,” which was short for Jesse, Don’s first name, because he knew Don didn’t like it. Funny!

Andy Loved Practical Jokes


Aunt Bee Wasn’t Tight With The Crew

Onscreen, Bee’s domestic and loving persona provided the perfect complement to Andy’s fatherly antics and Barney’s childlike ways. Offstage, though, she rarely joined Andy and the others in their daily fun. She was not one to dance and sing with her cast members, and she disliked practical jokes and inappropriate language.

Aunt Bee Wasn’t Tight With The Crew