Not Kid Friendly: Steer Clear Of These Dogs If You Have A Family

Published on 10/13/2019


These dogs were originally bred in Japan to be guard dogs. They are naturally good at their jobs because they are aggressive and unfriendly to strangers. The problem is that they will likely think of the kids and their pals as intruders. Never forget that the Akita is a distinct dog breed with its own likes and dislikes.




Pit Bull

As you might already know, pit bulls have a pretty bad reputation among dog owners. It is true that not all of them will be violent. However, it is wise to keep in mind that these dogs were bred for dogfighting in the past. They are infamous for their tempers and strong jaws. If they bite you, they might not let go easily. Studies show that they are responsible for 30% of all fatal dog bites. Of course, there are family-friendly and loving ones. However, most people would rather be safe than sorry.

Pit Bull

Pit Bull