These People Took A Photo Without Seeing The Celebrity In The Back

Published on 01/07/2020

Michael Cera

Michael Cera is one down to earth guy, but we do not think that this should come as a huge surprise. The actor became famous after starring in projects such as Superbad and Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World. He plays a rather specific sort of character, the type who would walk into the background of another person’s selfie. Let us just say that this is a great example of life imitating art. Cera had innocently peeked into the girl’s camera and decided to wave hello anyway.

Michael Cera

Michael Cera


The Queen

A celebrity photobomber is often the sort of person who has always been known to do cheeky stuff. It is someone who has a mischievous side that they are not afraid to let out every now and then. That is the reason it is shocking to see Queen Elizabeth II do the same thing that the other people on the list have. The two athletes in the photo could not believe what they were looking at after seeing this photo!

The Queen

The Queen