These People Took A Photo Without Seeing The Celebrity In The Back

Published on 01/07/2020

Aaron Paul

We are sure that Aaron Paul is now set for life. He did, after all, play Jesse Pinkman in the award-winning drama series Breaking Bad. We are sure that he still hopes to land more big roles in the future. Until that happens, the actor will just pass the time by going to music festivals such as Coachella. He was somehow able to stay anonymous and unnoticed in the crowds. The couple only recognized him when they saw how he ruined their photo.

Aaron Paul

Aaron Paul


Adam Sandler

Funny guy Adam Sandler is good at making people laugh, so it is not all that surprising to see him wander into the wedding photo session of a random couple. Instead of backing off, he got to work and posed for a few photos with the happy couple. The newlyweds will never forget this. They narrated, “We told him we’re huge fans, we love his work, we’ve watched all his films. He replied, ‘Good, I’ll take some photos then – mazel tov!’”

Adam Sandler

Adam Sandler