Ben Shapiro. You might have heard his name, heard his voice, or heard his very well-known and controversial comment, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” This lawyer, political commentator, author and conservative, has made his opinions known. Shapiro has openly stated what he believes on all matters, sometimes at the cost of close friendships. Here are some facts you might want to know about Ben Shapiro.
Skipping Grades
Third and ninth grade were both a walk in the park for young Ben Shapiro. Honestly, it seems his whole school career was a piece of cake. Shapiro graduated high school at the young age of 16.

Skipping Grades
Writing Books
Ben was all of 17 years old when he started writing his first book, “Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth”. He completed writing two books by the time he was just 21 years old. His fifth and probably most popular book is called, “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans”.

Writing Books