After Finding Bruises On His Daughter’s Leg, He Installed A Camera To See What Was Going On

Published on 01/02/2021

It Was Too Much For Him

It felt like he spent hours waiting! Finally, Mrs. Wood came out of the room with the young girl at her side. Natalie was in tears for some reason. Darren felt a mixture of sadness, frustration, and anger at the sight of this. He gritted his teeth as he asked if there was anything that he could do for the social worker. The insinuations made him furious, of course. However, the last straw for him was seeing his child cry.

It Was Too Much For Him

It Was Too Much For Him


The Desperation He Felt

In response, Mrs. Wood only told him that she would “be in touch”. She showed herself out as Darren tried to console the crying girl. “I told her what I told you, dad,” Natalie said through the tears. “Every morning I wake up with these marks and I don’t know how they got there!” He had already brought her to the doctor for blood tests. He also asked both his daughter and partner about it. What else could he possibly do about this situation? By then, he already felt at a loss for what to do next. It simply did not add up. While he was frustrated, he was determined to get to the bottom of things no matter what.

The Desperation He Felt

The Desperation He Felt