Robert Redford And Sibylle Szaggars
Robert Redford, the Godfather of Indie Film, is included in this list for his marriage to German painter Sibylle Szaggars of 10 years. The couple made things official back in July, 2009 in Hamburg, Germany. It has been a decade since Redford and Szaggars exchanged vows, but they have actually been together since the ‘90s. She moved in with him in his home in Utah. Before the Sundance Film Festival Founder met Szaggars, he was actually married to Lola Van Wagenen and their marriage lasted 27 years.

Robert Redford And Sibylle Szaggars
Amy Adams And Darren Le Gallo
This couple was dating for fourteen years and engaged for seven years before they finally got married, but the two officially tied the knot in May of 2015. Adams’ husband is not as well known as she is, but that is perfectly okay with them. They keep their relationship on the down-low and it seems to be working wonderfully for them.

Amy Adams and Darren Le Gallo