There Is More To Celine Dion That Meets The Eye… Read On To Find Out What Goes On Behind The Scenes

Published on 10/06/2019

Her Life Is Never Dull

You would not believe the life that Celine Dion had lived. She was born into a difficult situation, so she was used to various hardships from the very beginning. However, it had not been smooth-sailing ever since she made it big. She still had to deal with the public eye, a forbidden relationship, and various health issues. It is hard to imagine all of these things when you see someone this talented flash a smile, however.

Her Life Is Never Dull

Her Life Is Never Dull


Celine’s Mom Hated Her Relationship

Her mother did not like that she and Rene were together. Celine narrated, “When I told her I had some really strong feelings for Rene she tried everything to kill him and make me snap out of it… I was very frustrated and mad at first, but she tried to make me understand that this man tried marriage twice before – he has three children, he’s not responsible, ‘I want the perfect Prince Charming for you’.”

Celine’s Mom Hated Her Relationship

Celine’s Mom Hated Her Relationship