Asiatic Black Bears
An Asiatic Black Bear, known by other names like Himalayan bear, Tibetan bear, and moon bear, is typically found in some areas in Asia, including the Himalayas and several countries in Southeast Asia. Known for being massive, Asiatic Black Bears are omnivorous and have a typical black or brownish glossy coat with one unique feature – a whitish line on the chest which looks like a crescent moon, particularly when they stand. These bears are really famous in Singapore, Korea, and Japan, but especially in China. It is a common belief in these countries that the Asiatic Black Bears’ internal organs have great medicinal purposes.

Asiatic Black Bears
How Little Black Ended Up In The Market
Asiatic Black Bears are very famous in China, so Su meeting Little Black was not really unusual. There are a lot of Chinese “bear farms” that raise this specific kind of bear since it is believed that the internal organs of these bears are very useful in traditional Asian medicine. According to an IUCN report, there are more than 17,000 bears raised in nearly 70 farms in China alone. Su thought the person whom she bought Little Black from knew what type of animal he was, and though she was really sad to let him go, she knew that raising a wild animal was illegal and that she was not capable of giving him the best care.

How Little Black Ended Up In The Market