Captured Moments Of Funny Coincidences

Published on 05/12/2019

Camouflage Cats

Having pets can be both heartwarming and rewarding at the same time. Your family gets bigger because of them and your heart has a special place just for them, so if your pet goes missing, you’d panic just as you would if it were a family member or friend. The owners of Rosa and Fluffy may have gotten used to their pets missing since this happens quite regularly. The two cats blend in really well with their surroundings, so people may think they are gone, but in reality, are simply lying about somewhere.

Camouflage Cats

Camouflage Cats


The End Of A Rainbow

Practically every child has heard the story about the rainbow and the leprechaun while growing up. If you are one of the few who have never heard it, it’s pretty simple – at the rainbow’s end is a big pot of gold that a leprechaun is guarding. This rainbow, however, led to another kind of treasure, a store named Rainbow in this strip mall! Perhaps the pot of gold here is actually big discounts and savings.

The End Of A Rainbow

The End Of A Rainbow