Young Man Got Pulled By A Cop But He Wasn’t Even Speeding… What Gives?

Published on 10/13/2019

He had been minding his own business when something surprising happened. He saw a cop car tailing him! When something like this happens, it is normal to get worried. What could be going on?


There’s absolutely nothing worse than looking in your rearview mirror to see a police car following you. The feeling that you’re about to be asked to step out of your car and receive an expensive ticket, its terrifying. However, this happens far too often and sometimes drivers are stopped not just stopped because of speeding.

Panic Inducing


Special Case

Usually, we panic right away because we expect a ticket to come our way. We do our best to avoid a situation like that, but sometimes we get pulled over for different reasons. This is exactly what happened to William Jazwinski.

Special Case