Seeing The Progress
As the 30-day mark was closing in, Lexi felt impressed with how she looked and with the fact that she felt a lot better. Needless to say, this really boosted her motivation and convinced her to carry on with her exercise routine and new diet. Soon, she was shedding off 20 pounds every month up until the point when it plateaued. She said, “My weight loss had slowed and I had picked up the intensity of my workouts and adjusted my calories to continue losing consistently.”

Seeing The Progress
No Excuses
A lot of people would like to lose weight. However, when it comes down to actually doing something about it, their willpower diminishes fast. Any time a person doesn’t keep to his word, he doesn’t only lose motivation but he also starts feeling bad about himself. Lexi didn’t let herself reach that stage, so she always kept in mind that the most important thing to her was her gym routine. She explained, “I just kind of try to set it up like a business meeting. I am my own boss and I can’t cancel.”

No Excuses