Here’s Why Dogs Do The Things They Do

Published on 03/04/2022

Why Dogs Bark

Barking serves a variety of purposes, depending on the situation, the dog’s barking style, and the environment. A dog’s frequent and loud barking could indicate a sense of urgency. They may be trying to alert you to the fact that danger is approaching.

Why Dogs Bark

Why Dogs Bark

It’s possible that a dog who barks in short and soft bursts wants you to play with him or her. Dogs who bark excessively may be suffering from some sort of injury.


Not Always Fetch Time

There are a few theories as to why your dog brings you a toy from time to time. One of them claims that you are their alpha and that they are attempting to earn your respect. Another theory claims that by bringing you its most prized possession, your dog is showing his trust in you.

Not Always Fetch Time

Not Always Fetch Time

It could also indicate that they are pleased to see you. Throwing the object away in this case may be hurtful to the dog’s feelings. So the next time your dog brings you a toy, keep it and see if it makes your dog happy.