Things You Didn’t Expect To See At The Dollar Store

Published on 04/23/2020

Index Cards

Index cards are one of the must-haves of students, especially when examinations are approaching. These cards are essential to students for being a great form of notes and reviewers. But buying packs of these in bookstores cost a lot, that is why you should try purchasing much more inexpensive index cards available at dollar stores. 

Index Cards

Index Cards



Heavy-duty flashlights are one of the most important things you should have at your house, office, and other establishments. When purchasing such flashlights, it is not advisable to go to a dollar store because, for sure, they would have a lower quality compared to those sold in hardware stores. But, there are things such as mini-flashlights that could be placed in your bag, wallet, or even in your id lace, which are sold by dollar stores. It would not hurt buying these inexpensive mini-flashlights, especially because they could be used during emergencies. 

