Things You Didn’t Expect To See At The Dollar Store

Published on 04/23/2020

Baby Utensils

This is an item you should not buy in dollar stores. Plastic baby utensils in dollar stores, because of their low qualities, were made from different toxic chemicals that surely would be dangerous for the baby. It would be better to buy baby utensils in department stores or shops that sell baby stuff that surely would be more expensive rather than sacrificing the health of the baby. 

Screenshot 2

Baby Utensils


Hair Dye

Do not be fooled by the tag showing a low price that comes along hair dyes in dollar stores. Remember that it is always important to take care of your body, so it would not be bad to invest in a much safer hair dye that could be bought in pharmacies and grocery stores even if they are more pricey.

Hair Dye

Hair Dye