What You Need To Know About The 45th President Of The United States

Published on 02/20/2020


The business primarily operated in the Brooklyn and Queens areas of New York City. Marry Anne MacLeod and Fred Trump got married in 1936 and went on to have five children between them. Ever since he was young, Donald would follow his own rules. Below is a photo of the POTUS with his siblings! You will find Donald on the far left beside Fred Jr., Elizabeth, Maryanne, and Robert on the far right.




Boarding School

From kindergarten through seventh grade, Donald went to the Kew-Forest School. It is a college preparatory school located in Queens. When he was 13 years old, Trump got sent to a private boarding school in Cornwall called New York Military Academy. It was a punishment after his mom and dad found out that he made frequent trips to Manhattan without asking for permission. It turned out that he was a popular kid at his new boarding school! When he took to Facebook to post this photo, Donald added, “#TBT My confirmation picture at First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, N.Y.”

Boarding School

Boarding School