Loose Dress Codes
We know this might surprise most readers, but Dubai actually boasts of a loose dress code – at least when compared to the other countries in the region. Foreigners are free to wear Western clothing in public, and it is not required of women to cover their head if they do not want to do so. However, it is still important to avoid showing off too much skin in the city as locals will definitely disapprove of it. If ever they send the police a complaint, they might ask you to change your attire. Despite the lack of a strict dress code, keep in mind that it is a requirement to wear headscarves and conservative dresses when you plan to visit mosques.

Loose Dress Codes
The Fastest Growing City In The World
Do we really need to explain this picture? You can see here how much Dubai has changed over the years. Just in 2005, it was more or less a barren desert that only had several tall towers looming over it. Most people did not think it was a good idea to build a city in this area, but they were proven wrong. The photo you are looking at shows what downtown Dubai currently looks like. Needless to say, the view is fantastic. With all the lush gardens, water fountains, and skyscrapers, the once barren wasteland has now been transformed into a busy cosmopolitan city in a span of several years. Impressive!

The Fastest Growing City In The World