Find Out Which US States People Want To Leave And The Ones They Move To

Published on 03/25/2021


Over a century ago, the man who came up with Hershey’s chocolate opened his factory in the Keystone State. He chose it for the gorgeous countryside and abundant farmland. Did you know that he built a town called Hershey for employees? Life is not sweet for those in the state right now. While manufacturers employ nearly 9.5 percent of the state workforce, Penn State News says that Pennsylvania has lost around 80,000 manufacturing jobs from 2008 to 2018. This is why it can be hard to look for a new job here. On Quora, Christopher David said, “My job relocated me to the Scranton area, where I made the grave mistake of purchasing a home. A very depressed and unkempt area. While paying dirt-cheap taxes is a plus, the reverse of this is that there is little to no public upkeep and necessities, such as removal of storm damage and roadside cleanup, are nonexistent.”





Are you surprised to hear that people are now leaving Utah behind even though it offers great outdoors and amazing skiing? People are willing to ditch all of that because they need to provide for their families. Even though the tech industry has thrived in the state, it has not helped all Beehive State people. “The housing market is going nuts with the tech companies moving in. Rent and housing are way over-inflated,” said a Reddit user called TaddWinter. They went on, “(Salt Lake City) and St. George are booming, diverse places but the rest of the state is the total opposite.”

