Find Out Which US States People Want To Leave And The Ones They Move To

Published on 03/25/2021


Who would have thought that living by the sea is not enough for everyone? Aside from jobs, people tend to leave them behind due to retirement. More than half of the people who leave are 55 years old and above. They choose to live their golden years somewhere else because Maryland can get expensive. As a matter of fact, it ranked 7th out of 52 places on the cost-of-living index drawn up by MERIC. The cost of housing is considerably above the national average, which says a lot.





Best known for its dairy and wheat, Minnesota is not producing nearly enough jobs for all of its residents. The main reason people leave is to look for jobs somewhere else. Even though it is still higher than the national average, unemployment is on the rise. It went up from 2.9 percent in the previous year to 3.3 percent in December. The weather has also been the source of complaints. Minnesotans say that leaving is the best way to beat the harsh winters. A Redditor called Violinagin said, “It seems like no matter what I put on, I’m either still freezing or so hot I’m sweating in my clothes, and then I get even colder. There is no middle ground. I hate it with a passion.”

