Curtiss-Goupil Duck
With this plane came a lot of troubles and drama. Though the idea for this plane was thought up in 1883, the plane wasn’t built and flown until years later, and that idea seemed to have been a replica of the original. Glenn Curtiss was being sued by the Wright Brothers, who were claiming they patented the idea of three-axis control, a feature that this plane held. Unfortunately, even though Glenn Curtiss’ plane flew successfully and he proved the Wright Brothers wrong, the government sided with the Wright Brothers for their ideas.

Curtiss-Goupil Duck
Canadian Vickers Velos
The only award that this plane has and will ever win, is that it is agreed amongst everyone that it was the worst plane ever made in the entire country of Canada. This plane was designed to be a photo-survey plane, but it just didn’t cut it. The plane flew so horribly that nobody even wanted to give it a second chance. It flew for a year before it sank during a November 1928 storm.

Canadian Vickers Velos