Staple plates
Most people don’t know that the metal plate of a stapler is called an anvil. They also don’t know that when the stapler is turned upside down, it can be adjusted by turning the wheel. When the wheel is aligned with the square it sits on, the stapler can be used for a “temporary staple”. This pushes the staple arms outwards instead of inwards, making it easier to pull the staple out later. Now you are no longer one of the many people who don’t know about this.
The hole in your lollipop stick
We bet when you were a kid, you loved using your lollipop as a whistle too. Believe it or not, they didn’t just add the hole to your entertainment. When melted candy is poured into the mold, some seeps into the hole and when it hardens, the candy doesn’t fall off the stick. That’s pretty interesting.