You Will Be Surprised By The Secrets Hidden In These Common Household Items

Published on 09/19/2019

Vinegar in bread

Baking your own bread has now become a real trend. Healthy eating without additives is becoming more and more popular. The disadvantage of no additives is that the bread goes moldy more quickly. This can be prevented. Add a little vinegar and honey to the wheat bread dough the next time you bake it. Vinegar helps to prevent bread from going moldy so quickly in summer. The honey acts as a counterbalance to the vinegar and ensures a better crust.

Unglaublich! Das Geschieht, Wenn Sie Essig Über Ihr Brot Gießen.jpeg

Unbelievable! This is what happens when you pour vinegar over your bread.jpeg


The arrow next to the fuel gauge

Simple thing, great help! How often have you asked yourself in an unfamiliar car just before entering a petrol station: park on the left or right at the pump? Looking in the side mirrors usually doesn’t help and is also dangerous. If you then choose the wrong side, you have to deal with fuel hoses that are too short or simply have to park again. The small arrow next to the fuel gauge shows which side the tank is on.

Gas Gauge Arrow

The arrow next to the fuel gauge