You Will Be Surprised By The Secrets Hidden In These Common Household Items

Published on 09/19/2019

Use a tennis ball for parking accuracy

Parking can be difficult. We’re not just talking about parking outside… parking in your own garage can be stressful too. How can you solve this problem? Simply tie an old tennis ball to a string and then position it so that it hangs from the garage roof. You will feel it immediately when you hit the ball. All you have to do is take it as a sign to press the brake.

Use A Tennis Ball For Parking Accuracy

Use a tennis ball for parking accuracy


Strain food with tights

Don’t be in a hurry to get rid of your old pantyhose. After all, it can be very useful in the kitchen. The holes on tights are so small that they can filter out particles that a normal strainer cannot. It’s unexpected, but it works!

Strain Your Food With Tights

Straining food with tights