You Will Be Surprised By The Secrets Hidden In These Common Household Items

Published on 09/19/2019

Use tea bags for deodorizing

Aside from making comforting hot or delicious cold drinks, tea bags can be used in more ways than one. You can use them to purify your skin or even clean your room! In this hack, we explain how to use them in new ways. Take some used tea bags and place them in a few places in your fridge. This will help absorb lingering odors and ensure your food doesn’t leave a bad smell behind when you open the fridge.

Use Tea Bags To Deodorize

Use tea bags to deodorize


Clean your dog’s coat with vinegar

We can all agree that the smell of vinegar is not too strong. However, it’s a fantastic item that can be used in so many different ways, so make sure you have a bottle in the house. If you want to clean your pup, get a cup of vinegar and mix it with a liter of water. Rub it – gently – into your dog’s coat and then rinse it off.

Clean Your Dog's Coat With Vinegar

Clean your dog’s coat with vinegar