Hydrogen Peroxide Tricks You Need To Know

Published on 12/12/2019

Prevent Ear Infections

Unfortunately, some people are more susceptible to ear infection than others. MedlinePlus says that 75% of children will get an ear infection before the age of three, and most of the time parents are bringing their sick children to the doctor, it’s because of an ear infection. To minimize the risk of infection, clean the inside of a child’s ear with a q-tip with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Prevent Ear Infections

Prevent Ear Infections


Remove Dead Skins Cells From Towels

Many people don’t realize that their bath towels are some of the dirtiest things we touch every day, and sometimes detergent and hot water are not enough to get them sufficiently clean. They collect way more dead skin cells than you would ever think of. Add half a cup of hydrogen peroxide and half a cup of vinegar to your laundry each time you’re washing your towels in order to get them as clean as possible.

Remove Dead Skins Cells From Towels

Remove Dead Skins Cells From Towels