Too Many Trinkets
Also known as knick-knacks, trinkets are cute, little way of showing your personality. It may be a small ceramic statue, an urn, or an antique clock, these things might have a lot of sentimental value and are worth displaying. With that said, a display cabinet is well worth having as it shows all the trinkets in one space. The last thing Joanna Gaines wants is for your home to look very much like a flea market. Also, they are huge dust collectors.

Too Many Trinkets
Room Reminders
What is worse than having signed with random words and phrases on them? Without a doubt, having signs with words that tell you which room you are currently in. Hanging words up in the kitchen such as “kitchen,” “cook” and “eat” are so unnecessary. Not even kids require these sorts of pointers. If they see pots, pans, and a stove, they’ll know it’s a kitchen

Room Reminders