Now Abandoned
The sprawling manor now remains as a shell of its former opulence. Its forlorn exteriors, however, conceal an important story. The grandness of the mansion is enough to attract attention, but it was, in fact, one of its previous owners that made the property well-known. The property was previously the home of Ian Gillan, the lead singer of Deep Purple. But alas, it was not meant to be with the rockstar forever.
Victorian Era
The manor was first built during the Victorian era. How did Gillan become its owner? Let’s travel back in time a bit to really know the story. Ian Gillan was born on August 19, 1945, and lived in London while he was growing up. When he was young, he was being immersed in the wave of new music that flooded England during the 60s. The exposure to music at a young age will serve as an important pillar in building a successful career.